Michael Renga is (and always has been) a storyteller. He tells love stories, tall tales, legends and fantasies, not in words, but in beautifully crafted photographs. Capturing the moment is the cliché; capturing the story within the moment is his craft.
Michael’s work is founded in the discipline of design and his creative sensibility is palpable in every composition. He carefully thinks out the relationship between each subject and its surrounding space. Creating simple, imaginative narratives. Capturing artistic images that relate stories with heart and personality. Photos that make you think and feel good at the same time.
Born and raised in Geelong, Australia, Michael’s own narrative is never far from the ocean where he feels most connected to the universe. Boardies in summer. Wetsuit in winter. Surfing. Lapping up the surf coast lifestyle.
Restoring his creative spirit has always been a springboard to wanderlust and world travel: photographic assignments in the United States and Europe, adventures on tropical islands, exploring the world’s great cities.
He believes in karma and gut instinct, extreme sports, slow food and fast cars. Intrigued by nature’s creativity and forever inspired to communicate visually. Things you never outgrow. Year 9’s top marks for storytelling had little to do with Michael’s words and everything to do with his intricate cover page artwork. Because that made sense to him. Then and now.
Later, armed with a Bachelor of Visual Arts (Graphic Design) from the University of Ballarat, he honed his design skills in the advertising industry for several years. Much like the pull of the ocean, he was drawn to photography and its potential to use the camera like a brush. Holding the camera felt like the most natural thing in the world. It made sense to him.
From 2008 Michael transitioned easily into the world of photography – weddings, portraiture, fashion and advertising. Everything makes sense when you discover your superpowers and have the courage to use them. That’s when the magic happens.